Sunrise Point
kolukkumalai ticket price
how much cost to the kolukkumalai?
RS 3000 for one jeep including entry fee gate pass for 6 persons
what time is the sunset at the kolukkumalai peak?
what time is the sunrise at kolukkumalai peak?
Morning 4:30am to Evening 5:00pm on all days
Morning 5:40am to 6:30 am is sunrise
evening 5:30pm to 7:00 is sunset
how high is kolukkumalai peak?
what is kolukkumalai famous for?
which is world highest tea plantation?
At about 7,130 ft (2,170 m) above sea level, Kolukkumalai Tea Estate is the highest tea estate in the world. Kolukkumalai tea plantation Munnar is known for its tea leaves, the aroma of which is distinct from the others around.
kolukkumalai is worth to visit?
The road will be heavy off-road so Pregnant ladies, Weak hearted, Old people, Back pain person’s please avoid this trip.

Bose Peak
what are the charges for bose peak trek
bose peak trek ticket priceRs 700 per person
Aditionaly Rs1500 will come extra from the jeep far for waiting charges
Morning 4:30am to evening 5:00 pm
how to reach bose peak in kerala?
how to rech kolukkumalai peak?
how high is kolukkumalai peak?
Kolukkumalai Jeeps are available from the suriyanalli town to kolukkumalai sunrise point the the bose peak start from the sunrise point, it will be a 1.5 km trek activity ,one forest officer will come with you for guiding you. it's a 7,130 feet (2,170 m) above sea level.

Tea factory
what is the entry fee for kolukkumalai tea estate?
kolukkumalai tea factory ticket price kolukkumalai tea factory entry feeRs100 per person
Morning 7:00 am to evening 5:pm
what is there in kolukkumalai estate?
where can i purchase tea in kolukkumalai?
kolukkumalai tea factory visit munnarit's tea factory visit,with tea powder shopping also. there you can explore how they making the tea and you can taste sample tea also.

how much is the ticket price for kolukkumalai zipline?
kolukkumalai zipline cost kolukkumalai zipline ticket price kolukkumalai zipline priceRs 3500 for per person
whta is the kolukkumalai zipline timing?
kolukkumalai zipline timingMorning 8:00 am to Evening 6:00 pm
which is the longest zipline in india?
how long is the kolukkumalai zipline?
kolukkumalai zipline distance indias longest ziplineindias first longest zipline 1.8 km distance.it's in the kolukkumalai tea garden

what is the ticket price for zipline suriyanalli?
zipline ticket price suriyanalliRS 500 Per person
Morning 8:00 am to evening 6:00 pm
what is there in suriyanalli after kolukkumalai?
it's zipline adventure activity,it have in suriyanalli tea factory while going to kolukkumalai.